Thursday, October 31, 2019

Health politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Health politics - Essay Example Food firms produce large quantities of food using cheap, unhealthy ingredients, thus escalating the rates of obesity (Chung & Muntaner 2007, 89). This is the phenomenon that accounts for the ascending numbers of obese people in England. In this respect, there is need to have policies that stem the impact of this governance and economic mechanism to have a healthier nation. The White Paper attempts to find the solutions to the deep seated problem. Definition of Policies in Health Context Policies refer to the aims and objectives that a party or a government intends to achieve and uphold in the interest to the nation and its citizens. In health industry, policies are made by the government to maintain a healthy society. From 1970s, implementation and drafting of health policies has been based on preventive measures rather than curative measures as was earlier done (Chung 2007, 21). Health sector and stakeholders in the health industry have realized through rigorous studies that curativ e measures are expensive and yield no marginal benefits. Policies regarding health of the society are drafted and formulated for implementation by the government with wisdom and prudence in provision of superior health management (Erickson & Wilson 1994, 32). A health policy is usually a course of action and a method of intervention selected from among other alternatives to guide the present actions and determine future course of actions in the future. Health policies are high level general plans that embrace the overall goals and acceptable processes within the health sector. Features of Obesity Policies As this work deals with health policies in relation to obesity, it shall discuss some of the pertinent features of a policy in connection with the subject matter. Foremost, a policy must have a decision and an action. The government acknowledges the effect and degree of obesity in the society and makes a decision to curtail its negative effects. According to researches, there is a correlation between obesity and economic status of the affected people. The government acknowledges the fact that obesity is a chronic condition caused by behavioral factors (Boswell 2005, 24). In coming up with the policies to combat obesity, the government makes a decision to deploy means of nullifying all the negative externalities that accrue to social and health effects of obesity. The other feature of policy is action. The process of putting in place a policy to guide the public on issues relating to obesity is not complete with mere decision of the government to curtail obesity. The government must go a step further to take practical actions to curb obesity. The action should be geared towards reducing the costs of obesity treatment. The earlier measures and policies governments placed of curing maladies have been faced out due to their high costs (Borrell 2009, 43). Curative measures have led to elimination of infectious diseases, but not social and behavioral complications such as obesity. An action plan that attempts to provide formidable solution to prevalence of behavioral complications such as obesity involves formulation and implementation of health policy that recognizes intricacies of behavioral complications. Such a policy is geared towards making everyone custodian of his own health. It is a policy that makes everyone responsible for his health, and devolves the responsibilities of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Nature of Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Nature of Communication - Assignment Example However, that is not it, the interest factor plays a major role in the players’ desire to play and show up for practices. Moreover, I strongly believe that by playing and meeting up regularly, the team members become better friends. Sometimes when I have had a bad day I can vent out all my frustration during the game on the soccer field and after months of practice sessions together my fellow players understand that I need some space. I also feel that the sheer love for the game and having people around who share the interest and understand the game adds a lot more value to the activity group. If I think of our soccer team in the light of a system, I can safely say that it definitely exhibits the qualities of a system. The striker cannot strike a goal till the midfielder or wingers pass the ball to him, similarly the midfielders cannot do much if they are not adequately supported by the fullbacks and the forwards. The crux of the matter is that the members in a soccer team are highly interdependent on each other.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Grammar Translation Method Community Language Learning English Language Essay

The Grammar Translation Method Community Language Learning English Language Essay We have learnt about different teaching approaches during the lecture. The examples of approaches are the direct method, grammar translation method, the silent way, community language learning, communicative language teaching, total physical response and many more. I have chosen the grammar translation method and community language learning as for this report. According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, grammar translation method means a traditional technique of foreign-language teaching based on explicit instruction in the grammatical analysis of the target language and translation of sentences from the native language into the target language and vice versa. Community language learning means a method of teaching a foreign language that uses small groups and other ways of reducing students anxiety. There are advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. Both approaches are also relevant to use in the current Malaysian Education system. Generally, the grammar translation is derived from traditional approaches to the teaching of Latin and Greek in the nineteenth century (Barb, 2010). Even though the method has been used a long time ago, this method is still useful to our current education system. According to Richard and Rogers, 2002 (as cited in Barb, 2010), the grammar translation method is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first thought detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by the application of this knowledge through the task of translating sentences and text into and out of the target language. The first advantage is that grammar rule is taught deductively. This means that the pupils are taught about the grammar rule and then they have to apply to the new examples. It is important for the pupils to learn about the grammar rule of the language. This will make them use and apply the language better. They can lessen their mistake when they know about the grammar rule. They also wi ll be able to explain about the grammar rule of certain words when they have the knowledge. Next, translation is the easiest and shortest way to understand English. This is because most primary school children do not familiar with this language. They can only understand their mother tongue. So, by teaching English using the mother tongue, the pupils manage to catch up with their study better. Translation is needed to teach the children. The usage of mother tongue is very important for the pupils in learning English in the early year. This is to make them understand better. For example, if we talk using English during lesson, the pupils may not be able to understand a single thing during the lesson. By using the mother tongue during the lesson, the pupils also do not have any problem in understanding and responding to the teacher. So, there is interaction happen in the classroom. The communication between the pupils and the teacher does not cause any problem. Translation is very important element in learning English for these children. The other advantage is the pupils have been introduced to the literature texts during the early years of their study. It is a good sign that the pupils learn about literature during the lesson. When they have learnt about the literature texts, they manage to interpret the literary passages well based on their experience during the learning process in the class. They can show their understanding in literature by managing to interpret the literary texts. There are also disadvantages of this method. The first disadvantage is less participation from the pupils. This method is teacher-oriented. The teacher has the full authority to control the class. So, the inputs of the learning are given by the teacher from the beginning of the lesson until the end. The pupils job in the class is to hear to the teachers instruction without questioning anything. They are like silent learners. There is no discussion or sharing opinion occurs during the lesson. As a result, the pupils cognitive skill and critical and creative thinking will not develop. Not only that, the teacher also is the one to decide whether the pupils answers are correct or not. If the pupils do not manage to get the correct answers, the teacher will give the correct answers to the pupils. The teacher does not even try to give the pupils another chance to answer to the questions. They will not become autonomous learner. This is one of the teacher-centred methods in the learning pro cess. These skills are required for the pupils to develop so that they will be able to understand their learning better and manage to do well in their study. Not only that, the other disadvantage is little or no attention given to the speaking skill. According to Brown (2001), it does virtually nothing to enhance a students communication ability in the language. This is because they only do the reading and writing during the class. The pupils are not exposed to any other skills in learning like listening, speaking and writing. These skills are vital for the pupils in their learning. By learning a lesson with these skills, they will be able to understand the lesson and manage to complete all the works given by the teacher. If this situation continuously happens, it will promote to the boredom to the pupils. This is because they keep on doing the same thing during the lesson. Primary school children always like to have fun and doing fun things. When they are doing the same thing durin g the lesson, the tendency for them to withdraw from the lesson is higher. As a result, the lesson process will not progress well. The disturbance that occurs will interrupt the learning process. They will also disrupt other students who wanted to learn. Besides that, the teaching using this method is against the natural way of learning a language. The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading and writing (Purwarno Hadinata, 2006). Through this method the pupils are to ask to read texts and literature texts during the lesson. This method is unnatural method. Even though the primary school children want to learn about their mother tongue language while they were young, they still have to listen to the other peoples words before they can speak out the words. It is hard for them to learn about English which is not their mother tongue through reading. They will not understand the sentences or words through reading. The last disadvantage of grammatical translation method is much vocabulary is taught in the form of lists of isolated words. The teacher gives the meaning of single words instead of the meaning of the sentences or phrases. For example, the teacher gives the meaning of the word happy in the mother ton gue. The pupils only know the meaning of the word happy. There are also other words that related to the word happy like happiness, happily and many more. When reading sentences that have the word happiness, the pupils may become confused. This is because they only know the meaning of the word happy. This method is relevant for the rural area pupils. This is because using this method; the teacher does not has to use any high-tech teaching aids. High-tech teaching aids such as LCD (liquid crystal display) projector can be quite bothersome sometimes. The teacher just has to use the textbooks as the main resource in the classroom. Furthermore, in rural area, the high-tech teaching aids are rarely found there. Sometimes, the electricity resource is not enough for them. There are some places in rural areas that do not have water and electricity resources. So, textbooks are the important resources in the classroom. Other than that, the target language is translated into the mother tongue. So, the rural area pupils will be able to understand English well when the words are translated. This is because many of them do not capable in understand and using English. They are not exposed to this language since they were little. When they entered school, they have to learn about this language a s a second language and they are very new to this language. Translation using the mother tongue is very essential for them. This can build their interest towards the language. Even though they find it hard learning English for the first time, as the time goes by the interest towards the English language will be developed. Since this method is teacher-centred, the pupils can depend on the teacher to learn English. They have no one to teach them English at house compared to the pupils who live in the urban area. The other approach is community language learning. This method is also known as counselling-learning. Basically, community language learning is based on the student-centred. The pupils will become autonomous learners. In this method, teacher acts as the counsellor while the pupils as the clients. The pupils are asked to sit in a close group of six to ten persons. They have talk about anything they like and the teacher has to be outside the circle. The pupils also have the chance to choose their own topic. They are given the time to brainstorm the ideas. The most important thing is their discussion will be recorded. Besides that, during the discussion, the pupils can also talk using their mother tongue and the teacher will translate for them the actual sentences. At this point, the pupils are responsible for their own learning. They have to be more confident to have the conversation among the members in the group. The recorded conversation will be shown to the pupils in order to impro ve their abilities in the English language. Even though this is student-centred approach, the teacher plays a vital role in this method. Teacher plays the role as he facilitator and guider for the pupils during their learning process. The second advantage is it will boost the pupils speaking and listening skills. When the pupils use this method for the first time, they may feel a bit of awkwardness during the conversation. When they are used to this method, the feeling of awkwardness will disappear. They will find this method enjoyable and fun. This is because the topic is not specific by the teacher. The pupils have the freedom to choose the topic for themselves. Thus, their speaking and listening skills will be improved. They will be able to use the language without any worry. They are not afraid to make mistakes when speaking. As a result, they have the confident in using the language. The other advantage of this method is encourage teachers to see their students as whole persons, where their feelings, intellect, interpersonal relationships, protective reactions, and desired to learn are addressed and balanced (English Raven Educational Services 2007). This method is also a part of humanistic approach in the language learning. This is because it will help the teacher to understand their pupils emotions or feelings. When the teacher is able to understand the pupils feelings, the teacher will be able to help them in their learning. It also encourages the teacher to know more about their pupils. So, the teacher is capable to fulfil the pupils needs in their learning. The pupils learning process will run smoothly. The last advantage is it will enhance the relationship between teacher and pupils. According to Joyce, Calhoun and Hopkins (2002), this model emphasizes the partnership between students and teachers. The teacher will help the pupils to translate the sentences that the pupils produced in their mother tongue. This is because the pupils will seek for their teachers help whenever they need the help. So, the teacher will always ready to help the pupils outside the circle. The relationship between the teacher and pupils will become closer. It can also decrease the pupils anxiety while doing the conversation in the group. This is because they manage to build trust among themselves. They are able to support each other during the conversation. Teacher can also help the pupils to overcome their negative feeling towards English by turning them into positive energy to further their learning. Teacher can encourage the pupils to speak English. The teacher can also praise the pupils when they manage to speak English during the conversation. This will motivate them to learn about English. In the class, teacher is responsible to correct the pupils when they make mistakes. Teacher should be able to comfort the pupils during the conversation. Then, the fe ar of learning English by the pupils will disappear slowly. There are also disadvantages in this method. Firstly, this method is time consuming. A lot of time is needed for this method to be progressed successfully. The teacher should be more patient while using this method. The teacher has to give more time for the pupils on their learning process. Sometimes, the learning process will be delayed. In addition, not all pupils will be able to participate in the conversation at a time. Only a few pupils will be participating. The teacher has to follow the time that has been allocated during the lesson. If the learning process has delayed, the teacher has to find some other time to continue with the session. If this method requires a lot of time, the pupils will feel bored when they do not capable to acquire the language. This will lead to frustration to the pupils. Thus, they will lose the interest in learning English as the second language and tend to withdraw themselves from the conversation. Furthermore, it is very hard for the teacher to tra nslate certain sentences for the pupils. This is because there are some classes which have multiracial pupils. They also use different mother tongue language. So, the teacher will find it hard for them. The teacher may not be able to understand every pupil in the class. There are also a few teachers that are not really capable in using the English language. As they continue using this method; it will also lead to frustration to the teachers. The teacher may not be able to help the pupils in their English. So, in order for the teacher to be able to help the pupils, the teacher should be fluent in the mother tongue language and also English. Other than that, some of the pupils do not have the confidence is speaking in English. So they may use a lot of mother tongue in the conversation. This will not improve their English as second language. They are afraid to try to speak in English. They will feel embarrass when their friends laugh at them if they make mistakes. Some pupils may feel rather passive and will not volunteer to speak anything. This is because they have to depend on themselves during the conversation. The teacher will serve as a facilitator and will monitor them during the conversation. They will also feel embarrass when they hear the recorded tape. Some of the pupils may not be able to speak fluently when they know that they are being recorded. They will lose the feeling of security learning English. Even though this method is non-threatening, some of the pupils may find this method threatening. This is when they are not capable to acquire the target language. They may have low self-esteem in using the langu age. The tendency for them not to speak in English during the conversation may be higher. This is because they have to be responsible for their own learning. They have to depend on themselves and the other members in the group. When they are not able to speak using the target language, they will have the feeling of frustration in themselves. This approach is relevant to the secondary school and tertiary level education. This is because this is student-centred approach. They should be able to be responsible towards their learning. They are able to think about the thing that will benefit them. By using this method in learning, the students will be able to become autonomous learner. This is because the current Malaysian education system encourages the students to find their own way of learning. They should not depend on the lecturers that teach them. They have to find other alternatives in their learning. So, by using this method, the students will be able to achieve the aspiration of the current education system. They will also enhance their speaking and listening skills. The order of learning a language is by learning listening and speaking skills first. If they are able to listen to teacher well, they will be able to speak English well. Hence, they will have the confidence in using the target language everywhere. In conclusion, both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. It depends on how it is being used in the school. In order to make this method successful in the class, teacher and the administration of the school play an essential role.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of The Darling, by Anton Chekhov Essay -- The Darling Essays

The story â€Å"The Darling† by Anton Chekhov, illustrates a woman that is lonely, insecure, and lacking wholeness of oneself without a man in her life. This woman, Olenka, nicknamed â€Å"Darling† is compassionate, gentle and sentimental. Olenka is portrayed for being conventional, a woman who is reliant, diligent, and idea less. Although, this story portrays that this woman, known as the Darling needs some sort of male to be emotionally dependant upon, it is as if she is a black widow, she is able to win affection, but without respect. Only able to find happiness through the refection of the beliefs of her lovers, she never evolves within the story. This story, â€Å"The Darling† presents how a woman, named Olenka, the main character, who is also, in this story, known as the darling, has a reliance on others, and for the most lives an empty life. Olenka does not posses any personality of her own; therefore, she only finds happiness in reflecting the belief of her husbands/lovers. Olenka has the need to be fond of someone, and she frequently, fills her empty life through others, but only after having time of lacking wholeness in her self. In the beginning it appears that Olenka is waiting for Mr. Right, but it is really so, that Olenka, is dependant and needs to love and have the love of others. She finds this love, this unconditional love that most look for, in people such as her aunt, the school’s French master, and even her father. Later, Olenka finds herself married to a man, by the name of, Kukin, and Kukin being her first husband. Kukin is someone whom Olenka feels she cannot be without. Olenka sitting lonely on her back porch, night after night, and lost in thought, listened, one evening, to Kukin, the manager of an open-air theater, called the Tivoli, says, â€Å"Again!†. â€Å"It’s going to rain again!† meaning there will be no work. She again on the following evening, listens to him, as he, with a laugh of hysteria, says, â€Å"Well, rain away, then! Flood the garden, drown me!.....† Olenka trying to become part of something and feel as if she has a purpose, would listen to Kukin with silent gravity, and sometimes there would be tears that would fill her eyes. Kukin proposed to Olenka. Afterward marring and getting a closer view of Olenka, he throws his hands up and says, â€Å"You darling!† After seeing her neck and her plump, fine s... ...end proves to this reader that Olenka has never been able to fulfill this need she is looking for, this need to love and to be loved. Voloditchka and Sasha do come back to this place where Olenka is, but with his wife and the mother of his son, to reconcile. In Conclusion, this story portrays a woman who is insecure, lonely, and looking to love and to be loved. This love is something which Olenka searches for in males, both adults, and boys, she thinks she finds this love, in her husbands and, lover. She what she thinks to be love, in her first husband, and then her second, but the third male in her life, her lover, known as Voldichka is there only for his satisfaction. Olenka does get the fulfillment of love needed y Voldichka. Olenka than tries through a boy named Sasha, Voldichka’s son. It is true to this reader that even though Olenka experienced these relationships with these men and the boy, Sasha, she still never found a complete fulfillment in life. Olenka did not experience respect as a woman, but someone who would be there as needed. Olenka never earned respect as most women do, she to this reader only was a filler for others, others of the gender known as male.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How magazines position their audience Essay

Most life style magazines position their audience by adopting a particular mode of address which is aimed to create a relationship between the magazine and it’s audience, for example the front cover of FHM (September 2003) includes the following cover lines: ‘Dress better than Becks’ ‘Mess with her head’ and ‘Biggest ever world sex survey’. These cover lines speak to the audience, which in this case would be men, by saying if you buy this magazine we will show you how to dress better than one of England’s top footballers. It identifies with the single male and how to get revenge on your ex it also invites them to be a part of the biggest ever sex survey, this reinforces the bond between the magazine and its audience and makes them feel a part of an exclusive club. The front cover of FHM (September 2003) attempts to hook its male audience by using an image, which represents female sexuality. The picture of a female celebrity in a provocative pose wearing just her underwear takes up most of the page. It is used to grab its audience’s attention on the basis of male and female attraction. The fact that it’s a celebrity means it’s not just anyone, its someone famous and the use of her first name means it is a more informal approach and helps the audience to feel closer to this sexy female. FHM is in competition with emap’s Loaded and GQ, which means that their front cover has to stand out above all the rest. FHM uses the exclusive photo shoot of Samia and the Biggest ever world sex survey to promote their magazine as better than any other. The ‘Exclusive’ shoot of Samia means this has not been done for any other magazine, just for the readers of FHM. The FHM title has been partially covered up by the main image, which suggests that the magazine is well established and no longer needs to show its full identity. The front cover of FHM has typical generic conventions of a male lifestyle magazine, such as the image of a sexy female, it mentions Becks and fashion which has intertextual links with football and has major sexual connotations with the promise of soft porn (Samia’s sexy shoot). It also includes inside stories on females and sex (girls on the sofa discuss cocks). The red writing adds to the sexy image as red is symbolic of love, lust and sex and it also helps the magazine to stand out. The FHM magazine fulfils the needs of diversion as it gives its audience the chance to escape from their daily routine through reading about more light-hearted matters such as sex, women and cars. It also fulfils the needs of personal relationships by offering companionship as it identifies with its male audience and helps them to feel a part of an exclusive social group. By using the cover lines Best of British, Mess With Her Head and the mention of Arnie (Arnold Schwarzenegger) it gives the audience personal identity and reinforces the norms and values of masculinity and manpower (Mc Quail, Blumer and Brown 1972). Male lifestyle magazines can be seen as stereotypical of men and male values. Using the front cover of FHM (September 2003) as an example, it suggests that men are only interested in sex, nude women, football and male dominance as most of the page is taken up by the half naked image of a woman. The features mentioned on the front cover are mainly to do with sex, cars and getting revenge on women. The FHM title is made up of the colours of the British flag and the caption Best of British. This can be seen as patriotic which also implies male dominance as Britain is a patriarchal society (male dominated) and therefore reinforces the idea of manpower. Male lifestyle magazines can also be seen to portray a bias ideology of women as most of the women in their magazines are very pretty, thin and sexy which assumes that all men who read these magazines are attracted to this type of woman. This is not always true of all men and therefore gives a false impression of the male expectations of women. This representation of women is also not necessarily the true reality of what most women look like and could be seen to pressurise women and men conform to this stereotypical expectation of the perfect woman. This would depend on how the specific audience of these magazines position themselves in relation to the text and whether they took the preferred reading and accepted this to be normal, negotiated what they thought and interpreted it how they chose to or opposed the reading totally and therefore this type of magazine may not appeal to them. (Stuart Hall).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psychological Analysis of Fight Club Essay

Fight Club is a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk which was eventually made into a movie. The novel is different from usual stories in so many ways because it’s first and foremost, geared into the lives of young men. There have been a lot of books that revolved around the stories of young women that is why, I believe, Chuck Palahniuk was hugely successful in writing this novel. It’s focused on a life a man, the Narrator, whose name was never blatantly revealed but as the story progressed implies that his name was Jack. He symbolizes an ordinary working class man who, like everyone else, is looking for fulfillment in his life however he tries to accomplish this in odd ways. Jack is noticeably a disturbed person who is suffering from insomnia. The first obsession we would notice is his unusual collection: furniture. It’s soon begins to become a little bit more strange when he starts attending random group therapy sessions on medical concerns which he doesn’t even have. Attending these support groups has helped sleep at night but still he ends up crying to relieve stress from his dull, ordinary life. Eventually, when he still felt unfulfilled, he moves on to creating his underground â€Å"Fight Club† with a certain Tyler Durden. He then becomes more and more absurd, his obsessions become unhealthy. By the end of the movie, we learn that Jack suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder and that Tyler is actually his alter ego. Upon watching the film for the first time the revelation at the end would come off as a shocker but once you really analyze it, the juxtaposition of the events leading up to the ending and the probable reality is not very far. He shares his obsession with furniture collections with common homeowners today. People usually find comfort in having a properly furnished home; they feel a sense of accomplishment and think that it’s a reflection of their successes work-wise. Even with this, though, Jack still felt void and that his life is still meaningless. He starts going to a support therapy group as advised by his doctor. He does this to find acceptance and love from other people, which is also a common desire of human beings. Although he doesn’t really have that certain condition he’s attending support groups for, it was deemed successful until he met Marla Singer who, like typical ovies where girls tend to â€Å"ruin everything†, seems to have flushed all his efforts down the drain. Marla turns out to be, like Jack, a faker. She started attending the support groups like Jack does which eventually turned into a reflection of what he’s been doing. Moreover, he then turns to like her, to make things worse. Jack then finds himself immensely unhappy so out of his frustration he tries to come up of a resolution, hence, Tyler and Fight Club. Tyler is introduced as someone Jack meets on a plane ride; Tyler eventually becomes a huge influence in his life, who then becomes his co-founder of Fight Club. The first fight was between Jack and Tyler, which is in fact just Jack against himself. Other men begins to join their club, their members are mostly the ones that grew up without their fathers. Throughout the movie Fight Club soon escaladed into Project Mayhem where they blow up buildings owned by major credit card companies and setting everyone’s debt back to zero. When Jack realizes what he’s doing, he finds that Tyler is actually him and tries to commit suicide by putting a gun in his mouth. He still lives, but Tyler was gone. He wakes up in a mental hospital and the movie ends with the fight club members still trying to pursue the initial plan, stating that Tyler will be back. Fight Club is a fictitious story and also very far from reality but there were a lot of psychological truths presented, such as gender identity, Freud’s Id, Ego and Superego; and Maslow’s idea of self-actualization. These components make this movie absolutely interesting to watch and it leaves you with so much more to think about afterwards.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on School Psychologist

School Psychologist School psychologists have specialized training in both psychology and education. The training requirements to become a school psychologist are a minimum of 60 graduate semester hours including a year-long internship. This training emphasizes preparation in mental health, child development, school organization, learning, behavior and motivation. To work as a school psychologist, one must be certified and/or licensed by the state in which services are provided. School psychologists also may be nationally certified by the National School Psychology Certification Board (NSPCB). School psychologists use their training and skills to team with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy and supportive environment. They understand school systems, effective teaching and successful learning. They work to help with the particular needs of each child and each situation. Some of their important duties include: Giving healthy and effective alternatives to teachers, parents, and administrators about problems in learning and behavior. Strengthen working relationships between educators, parents and community services. Use a wide variety of techniques at an individual, group, and systems level to evaluate academic skills, learning aptitudes, personality and emotional development and social skills. Work face-to-face with children and families to help solve conflicts and problems in learning and adjustment. Provide psychological counseling for children and families and social skills training, behavior management, and other strategies. Help promote tolerance, understanding, and appreciation of the diversity in the school community. Evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs, behavior management systems, and other services. Work with children and families to provide integrated community services focusing on psychosocial wellne... Free Essays on School Psychologist Free Essays on School Psychologist School Psychologist School psychologists have specialized training in both psychology and education. The training requirements to become a school psychologist are a minimum of 60 graduate semester hours including a year-long internship. This training emphasizes preparation in mental health, child development, school organization, learning, behavior and motivation. To work as a school psychologist, one must be certified and/or licensed by the state in which services are provided. School psychologists also may be nationally certified by the National School Psychology Certification Board (NSPCB). School psychologists use their training and skills to team with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy and supportive environment. They understand school systems, effective teaching and successful learning. They work to help with the particular needs of each child and each situation. Some of their important duties include: Giving healthy and effective alternatives to teachers, parents, and administrators about problems in learning and behavior. Strengthen working relationships between educators, parents and community services. Use a wide variety of techniques at an individual, group, and systems level to evaluate academic skills, learning aptitudes, personality and emotional development and social skills. Work face-to-face with children and families to help solve conflicts and problems in learning and adjustment. Provide psychological counseling for children and families and social skills training, behavior management, and other strategies. Help promote tolerance, understanding, and appreciation of the diversity in the school community. Evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs, behavior management systems, and other services. Work with children and families to provide integrated community services focusing on psychosocial wellne...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Changes and Continuities in Commerce in the Indian Ocean Region from 650 to 1750 C.E. Essay Example

Changes and Continuities in Commerce in the Indian Ocean Region from 650 to 1750 C.E. Essay Example Changes and Continuities in Commerce in the Indian Ocean Region from 650 to 1750 C.E. Paper Changes and Continuities in Commerce in the Indian Ocean Region from 650 to 1750 C.E. Paper Changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian ocean region from 650 to 1750 C. E. In the period between 650 C. E. and 1750 C. E. , the Indian Ocean region endured both change and continuity. One continuity is simply trade, for this 1,100 years the Indian ocean was an important trading zone. One change in Indian ocean trade over those years was which country dominated trade their. Over those years the Indian ocean was controlled by the Indians, the Arabs, the Chinese, and last but not least the Europeans. Their was continuity and change in trade in the Indian ocean over the aforementioned years. In the Indian ocean from 650 C. E. and 1750 C. E. there have been many continuities in commerce. One such continuity was the goods traded. For instance, spices from India and Indonesia such as black pepper were traded constantly to other countries throughout this period. Luxury products such as ebony, silk and fine textiles were also commonly traded in the Indian ocean. / Another example of continuity would be that although no one country always dominated trade in the Indian ocean the Indians and Indonesians were involved with trade to varying degrees throughout this entire time period. Weather it be threw their products being traded, receiving goods from other countries, or doing the trading themselves, they were always involved in trade. / One more example of continuity was how Indian ocean trade stayed so important over the years. Almost all major world powers did trading in the Indian ocean, Europe for instance went to great lengths to find a better trade root between the Atlantic and Indian ocean. The desire to trade in the Indian ocean region is actually what caused Europeans to discover the Americas. The Europeans were looking for a sea rout to get to Asia without going all the way around Africa, so they tried to go around the world, not knowing yet of the Americas existence. Their desire to trade urged them to explore new frontiers. There are many examples of continuity in Indian ocean commerce between 650 and 1750 C. E. In the Indian ocean from 650 C. E. and 1750 C. E. there have been many changes in commerce. One change in commerce over the years was who dominated Trade in The Indian Ocean. Over the course of this time period the Indian ocean trade was dominated by the Indians, the Chinese the Arabs and even the istant European powers. Their were also changes in what goods were traded. Some trade goods like the exotic animals taken from Africa to China that weren’t traded for longer then a few decades. The reason Ming China had imported animals was because they were in an age of exploration at the time and wanted to have some animals for their exotic royal zoo. Also sen ding great explorers like Zheng He showed their ability to travel to distant lands and take what they please. Another change was how things were traded. Over the course of the 1,100 years described many changes occurred in the world of sailing. China had many of these inventions with in it’s walls before this time period. China was so Ethnocentric . that they did not spread their inventions till generations after they were made, and even then it was often by accident The compass were great improvements on how sailors navigated to their destinations. The ships them selves also changed throughout this period. The Chinese Junks were incredible ships, vastly larger then the ones Columbus used, They were equipped with cannons to defend them selves from pirates and were, in their time the most impressive ships on the water. There are changes in commerce in the Indian ocean between 650 and 1750 C. E. Many changes and continuities and in commerce in the Indian ocean occurred between 650 and 1750 C. E. Indian ocean trade can even be related to the discovery of America. Some examples of continuities are; who was involved in trade, what was traded, who dominated trade. Examples of change are; how things were traded, the importance of trade, and what was traded. There were many changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian ocean.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis On Nike And Feasibility Of Imc Plan Marketing Essay

Analysis On Nike And Feasibility Of Imc Plan Marketing Essay Executive Summary Marketing processes as we are conversant with are an integral part of any organization and it undertaking. The sole purpose for any given business organization is to produce products and service so that it can be sold in the market and reaches consumer. Marketing is one of the process undertakings within the organization at the operational level with a purpose. Strategically speaking, any forms of marketing have their own benefits and limitations. However, in the current scheme of things, we can reasoned herein that marketing endeavor of corporation have undergone tremendous change at all level. There are also various tools and marketing tactics that organization exploit for the sole consideration of befitting organizational processes and its marketing endeavor. The purpose of this report is to discuss the central theme of ‘IMC Plan in a major organization† and to link it with the concepts and theoretical meaning of the subject. We are of the opinion th at the concept of integrated marketing communication is hugely in practiced amongst marketers for the sheer element attached to it. But what are the IMC processes at play concerning Nike? For that reason, this report also attempts to analyze the many feature and meaning fo IMC and its various tools that si at play. Besides, Nike is also considered as the organization to comprehend upon the realms of IMC and its meaning and how far the company IMC has been effective on a global scale. Besides, the report in parts also accumulates the very essence to reflect upon the entry of Nike in UAE and to identify the features of IMC at play in UAE undertaken by Nike. Introduction The concept of integrated marketing communication can be understood as a discipline of marketing communication and its planning that integrates the comprehensive values of marketing tools to the advantage of the organization and its marketing endeavor. To top it all, the practice of integrated marketing communication a lso helps companies and marketers to come out with a comprehensive and strategic outline of marketing and communication strategy that is often believed to provide clarity to messages, as well as clarity and total impact of communicated messegges that is seamless. (Yeshin, 1998, p. 68) Thus, we believe that the basis for any marketing endeavor that corporations undertake is to create a value chain internally and externally for its products and services. The creation of value chains thus requires a comprehensive integration and practices of marketing channels that is seamless across boundaries and to some extent the use of comprehensive marketing tools and communication forms. Objective of the Study & Issue in Consideration There are innumerable issues when it comes to the factor encompassing integrated marketing communication.soe of the probable issue to be identified can be looked in respect of the following: How has mass media contributed to the factor encompassing Integrated marke ting Communication? Does the factor attached to the changing aspects of communication in the current scenario have its influence on the factor encompassing how integrated marketing communication is carried out?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Social Work Nursing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Work Nursing - Case Study Example Nursing is a profession which really teaches you beside other professional knowledge as to how to become more patient and serve the humanity with all your heart and soul. It not only provides you a chance to be more caring and considerate but also give you an opportunity to grow as a person. Further Nursing as a profession has evolved over the period of time and has now emerged one of the highly respectable and demanding professions of the world. With these aims in my mind, I chose to consider nursing as my professionNursing, as a profession, need to have a balanced view where the new entrants into the profession must also know about the academic knowledge of their profession however, they must possess the knowledge of the practical realities of the profession also. However, this can only be done if people who train them should have practical as well as academic knowledge.Since mental health is also related with the psychology of a person therefore I believe this aspect of the profes sion has also allowed me to consider this as a profession which is worthwhile to be pursued. It is believed the psychology emerged on its modern footings almost a century ago however its influence is still considered to be current in terms of its impact on the overall sciences related with mental and physical health of a person. What was most fascinating about this emergence of the psychology is the fact that it had radically changed the way we use to perceive and view life at large. However no science can play a constructive and positive role in society until and unless it is not ethically practiced. It also must be noted that traditionally psychologists have relied on the principles of value avoiding and value neutral model where it was believed that in order to get the truth- the truth about the person, moral values could not be taken into account. (Lowen, 1993). One of the most important reasons that I wish to study to study for this profession is the fact that it provides a very accurate and true picture of how a person evolve over the period of time. Every person’s life carries a distinct plot, a different set of characteristics which distinguish each of us from others. (Hockbury, 1996,375). It is important in the sense that it provides you a better look at how the life unfolds itself and how we as professionals can contribute towards the overall

Reveiew on two journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reveiew on two journals - Essay Example Late adoption may arise due to various reasons, some schools may lag behind due to various reasons and this will create inequality in the society, according to the BECTA report adult and offender education face required infrastructure problems where they may lack resources to implement these facilities, support services and quality of equipment used by schools will highly depend on the resources. Some institutions may not realize the benefits of adoption of technology in learning and this may lead to late adoption of technology in learning, also in most institutions digital learning is taken as optional and therefore there is need to set standards and requirements across all schools. From the study by BECTA it was evident that despite the flexibility of the system there has been rare adoption of technology. Challenges will also arise where not all learners will have access to sustainable and reliable infrastructure and this will be due to lack of efficient management, lack of technical support, lack of funds and limited value. The learners expectations may not be met whereby the expectations by learners regarding the adoption of technology in learning, some of the equipments may be affordable and their money value will not meet the learners expectations, according to the research undertaken it was evident that learners were not impressed with laptops and preferred smaller equipments and therefore it is evident that there may be problems in adopting this system without considering what the students expect. The study also showed that Games aimed at educating the young did not have much credibility among the learners, this shows that technology may not have much impact on the performance of learners as expected. Technology adoption in learning may lead to inequality, from the journals thre may be the problem of digital divide where some

Arts administration and cultural heritage Research Paper

Arts administration and cultural heritage - Research Paper Example Telecasting companies in the present day are competing with one another to provide customers with best exploiting technology. Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) and Discovery Communications (DC) are two major television networks in the US that provide 24 hours broadcasting services to the country’s citizens. While PBS, with its 345 member stations, is a nonprofit public organization, DC is profit motivated and broadcasts a wide variety of non-fictional programs encompassing the topics of science, engineering, animal and plant life, marine life, science and technology, political events, environmental issues etc. It is one of the most vibrant players in the field surviving the stiff competition from other major network such as national geographic, Times networks etc. Organization and Structure: 1) Mission Statement of PBS: The Mission Statement of PBS encompasses the generation of content that informs, educates, and inspires. To achieve this, PBS provides  programs that develo p the minds of kids, documentaries,  non-commercialized programs for news that keep people informed on events around   the world and other cultures  and  various other programs that introduce US citizens to the worlds of theater, music, art and dance.   PBS has transformed itself from linear broadcasting business to a multi-platform leader that provides Americans access to mobile TV, television,  Web,  interactive whiteboards in the classroom  and more. PBS reaches out through their services to 123 million citizens by way of television and above 21 million people online every month.   2) Mission Statement of Discovery Communications: Discovery Communications is dedicated to being a globally renowned content provider of various options workplace. By building a healthy and wide-ranging work atmosphere that supports flexibility, balance, and different perspectives, they strive to inspire their employees to attain their maximum potential. They value of their team and f acilitate them the best resources and tools in the industry. Structure of PBS and Discovery Communications: 1) Structure of PBS: Primarily, PBS is not a network of television, but a membership business establishment. Out of 1,500 television stations in the US only about 350 are eligible for federal support as public television. â€Å"Of the 11,500 AM and FM stations operating in the U.S., only 1,650 are noncommercial and only about 700 qualify for federal support as public radio. Not wanting competition for their commercial programming, the big three networks successfully lobbied congress against structuring public broadcasting as a fourth network. Congress complied and created a highly decentralized public broadcasting service† (U.S. Public Broadcasting: Structure and Programming, 2003). The Corporation for Public Broadcasting acts as the financial agent for their services. CPB submits their budget straight to Congress and receives the funds as designated. To facilitate matc hing grants for development of programs, CPB receives funding in 3year cycles. On the other hand, the parliament and/or the White House exercise the power to rescind earlier authorization of funds. 2) Structure of Discovery Communications: Discovery Communications has, in the recent past, realigned its American networks portfolio with a view to further improve their content, programs, operational and promotional

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Abortion From Perspectives of Functionalist Research Paper

Abortion From Perspectives of Functionalist - Research Paper Example The paper has identified that from perspectives of   Functionalist we must engage abortion from a macro perspective in terms of how it affects the whole of society and its relationship between societal parts. Abortion, in general, is legal, but when viewing it from the macro perspective, it becomes alarming. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the abortion rate for non-Hispanic Blacks in New York is 59.8%. Clearly, this statement makes the aforementioned billboard claim correct. From a functionalist perspective, little else is seen. This vision of the functionalist has sparked a growing concern that has not only swept the nation but has found its way into legislation to the thwart the taxpayer funding of abortions nationwide. The functionalist has a natural call for accountability. The perception is that abortions outside of cases of rape, incest and of concerns for health are an act of personal irresponsibility fueled by the passive acceptance of low moral standards. Acc ountability is imposed through removing the means financial absolution when it comes to acquiring abortions. It is felt that social systems work to maintain a social equilibrium. With more than half of the Black babies in New York being aborted, that equilibrium is lost with the given community. The lost equilibrium is viewed as the loss of social norms that must be returned to the previous state through social control mechanisms; in this case, legislation. The functionalist also views the individual from a perspective that enables how the individual is influenced by larger, more reaching social forces. The pro-life campaign that resulted in this billboard is a prime example of how the functionalist utilizes a social tool to influence the individual. While it is not a matter of whether the functionalist in this case is right or wrong, it demonstrates an example of the functionalist at work on a macro scale. However, the functionalist is not the only perspective in viewing abortions in New York’s Black communities. Conflict From the conflict perspective, the billboard was a result of the fact that the New York inner-city Black community has insufficient resources in which to cope with the reproductive health of women. The result is an abortion rate that now â€Å"outpaces life.† When compared to other ethnic groups, Blacks undergo disproportionately more abortions. Because the Black community lacks the resources of the richer communities, the abortion rates are higher. Abortions are thus performed for economic reasons as the Black community falls further behind the economic elite of America. The unemployment rate for Blacks aged 16 to 19 is 41.6%. From a conflict perspective, it goes to reason abortion rates will be higher in those who lack the means of financial provision.

Evaluation of Product; Apple's Macbook Pro Essay

Evaluation of Product; Apple's Macbook Pro - Essay Example On the other hand, outside the manufacturer environment, MacBook Pro is a fast moving product in the market. Consumer Reports ranks MacBook Pro as one of the best laptop computers in the market and a quickly moving product by consumer choice (Rawson). The evaluation of this product in terms of market and consumer setting involves three factors: the users of the product, the environment within which the product is found, and the product itself in terms of satisfying consumer tastes and preferences. The manufacturer-consumer factors and interactions give critical insights into the product in question. The product is designed to suit the end user without difficulty. Although Apple utilizes sophisticated technologies in designing and manufacturing unique and high quality for the market, end user strategies are also implemented. Simplicity in terms of usability and sophistication in terms of manufacturer and functionality are the drives of MacBook Pro. The pricing of the product takes into account the cost of production and the fact that Apple operates on a profit motive. However, due to the utilization of strategic resources and high-tech production processes, the product has affordable prices when it reaches the market (Stanton 147). Locally, regionally, and internationally, the environment within which the product is offered is a competitive one. For this reason, competition becomes vital for successful operations and market performance. The marketing strategies employed by Apple for MacBook Pro seek to address consumer needs. What makes this process different from many other rival firms is the follow-up and consumer feedback programs that Apple runs. The company designs and manufactures products with integrated consumer-based features. The product itself is crucial in the entire evaluation process. MacBook Pro’s ranking against other substitutable products is crucial in accounting for the realized product trends in the various markets where the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Arts administration and cultural heritage Research Paper

Arts administration and cultural heritage - Research Paper Example Telecasting companies in the present day are competing with one another to provide customers with best exploiting technology. Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) and Discovery Communications (DC) are two major television networks in the US that provide 24 hours broadcasting services to the country’s citizens. While PBS, with its 345 member stations, is a nonprofit public organization, DC is profit motivated and broadcasts a wide variety of non-fictional programs encompassing the topics of science, engineering, animal and plant life, marine life, science and technology, political events, environmental issues etc. It is one of the most vibrant players in the field surviving the stiff competition from other major network such as national geographic, Times networks etc. Organization and Structure: 1) Mission Statement of PBS: The Mission Statement of PBS encompasses the generation of content that informs, educates, and inspires. To achieve this, PBS provides  programs that develo p the minds of kids, documentaries,  non-commercialized programs for news that keep people informed on events around   the world and other cultures  and  various other programs that introduce US citizens to the worlds of theater, music, art and dance.   PBS has transformed itself from linear broadcasting business to a multi-platform leader that provides Americans access to mobile TV, television,  Web,  interactive whiteboards in the classroom  and more. PBS reaches out through their services to 123 million citizens by way of television and above 21 million people online every month.   2) Mission Statement of Discovery Communications: Discovery Communications is dedicated to being a globally renowned content provider of various options workplace. By building a healthy and wide-ranging work atmosphere that supports flexibility, balance, and different perspectives, they strive to inspire their employees to attain their maximum potential. They value of their team and f acilitate them the best resources and tools in the industry. Structure of PBS and Discovery Communications: 1) Structure of PBS: Primarily, PBS is not a network of television, but a membership business establishment. Out of 1,500 television stations in the US only about 350 are eligible for federal support as public television. â€Å"Of the 11,500 AM and FM stations operating in the U.S., only 1,650 are noncommercial and only about 700 qualify for federal support as public radio. Not wanting competition for their commercial programming, the big three networks successfully lobbied congress against structuring public broadcasting as a fourth network. Congress complied and created a highly decentralized public broadcasting service† (U.S. Public Broadcasting: Structure and Programming, 2003). The Corporation for Public Broadcasting acts as the financial agent for their services. CPB submits their budget straight to Congress and receives the funds as designated. To facilitate matc hing grants for development of programs, CPB receives funding in 3year cycles. On the other hand, the parliament and/or the White House exercise the power to rescind earlier authorization of funds. 2) Structure of Discovery Communications: Discovery Communications has, in the recent past, realigned its American networks portfolio with a view to further improve their content, programs, operational and promotional

Evaluation of Product; Apple's Macbook Pro Essay

Evaluation of Product; Apple's Macbook Pro - Essay Example On the other hand, outside the manufacturer environment, MacBook Pro is a fast moving product in the market. Consumer Reports ranks MacBook Pro as one of the best laptop computers in the market and a quickly moving product by consumer choice (Rawson). The evaluation of this product in terms of market and consumer setting involves three factors: the users of the product, the environment within which the product is found, and the product itself in terms of satisfying consumer tastes and preferences. The manufacturer-consumer factors and interactions give critical insights into the product in question. The product is designed to suit the end user without difficulty. Although Apple utilizes sophisticated technologies in designing and manufacturing unique and high quality for the market, end user strategies are also implemented. Simplicity in terms of usability and sophistication in terms of manufacturer and functionality are the drives of MacBook Pro. The pricing of the product takes into account the cost of production and the fact that Apple operates on a profit motive. However, due to the utilization of strategic resources and high-tech production processes, the product has affordable prices when it reaches the market (Stanton 147). Locally, regionally, and internationally, the environment within which the product is offered is a competitive one. For this reason, competition becomes vital for successful operations and market performance. The marketing strategies employed by Apple for MacBook Pro seek to address consumer needs. What makes this process different from many other rival firms is the follow-up and consumer feedback programs that Apple runs. The company designs and manufactures products with integrated consumer-based features. The product itself is crucial in the entire evaluation process. MacBook Pro’s ranking against other substitutable products is crucial in accounting for the realized product trends in the various markets where the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Benefits and Negatives of Bankruptcy Essay Example for Free

Benefits and Negatives of Bankruptcy Essay Bankruptcy is briefly defined as a process in which debtor obtains relief from his/her debts through the court. The relief varies in form and it includes full partial discharge of the debt or the nuisance of an imbursement plan consistent with the debtor’s financial means. (Larson, 2000) Types of bankruptcy vary according to its function. One of the most common types of bankruptcy is â€Å"Chapter 7† or â€Å"Straight Bankruptcy† or â€Å"Liquidation. † This is also known as Personal Bankruptcy. Another is â€Å"Chapter 11†, which is primarily used by businesses. There is also â€Å"Chapter 13† or â€Å"Wage-Earner Bankruptcy. † Finally, â€Å"Chapter 20† bankruptcy is the process of filing of a â€Å"Chapter 7† bankruptcy to discharge unsecured debts, followed by â€Å"Chapter 13. † (Larson, 2000) Because of the robberies and troubles with the call center, the call center might file bankruptcy, in which it has already owed the firm over $40,000,000. In this case, we are in tasked of finding the consequences of the call center filing bankruptcy. What are the benefits and negatives if the call center will file bankruptcy? Brown and Seeyle emphasized that bankruptcy is neither a personal nor an emotional decision. Rather, it is a financial decision based on the amount of debt and the present ability to repay debts. When the expected time period of repayment exceeds the time it would take to rebuild credit, just like in the call center’s case, then it is the time to consider bankruptcy. At this place in time, the call center has accumulated more debt than they can be able to repay in the near future. The call center will possibly benefit greatly from filing bankruptcy. This will be debt-free start. By filing bankruptcy, the call center has the chance to rebuild and re-establish their credit in line with the law. (Brown Seelye, 2008) Meanwhile, there is a widely held misconception of Bankruptcy in which Ben Franklin from Franklin Debt Relief explained, wherein â€Å"it’s the debtor’s version of the â€Å"get out of jail free† card in Monopoly. † Most people know that bankruptcy affects credits for 7-10 years; little did they know that they may have to pay back the debt anyway. Franklin stated the formal definition of bankruptcy as â€Å"a proceeding in federal court in which an insolvent debtor’s assets are liquidated and the debtor is relieved of further liability. † It may also come out as â€Å"the process of completing your debts for free. † (Franklin, 2008) In this manner, the call center, even with bankruptcy, still have to pay back portion of the debt. The call center, in any circumstances, may avoid filing bankruptcy. The most possible solution is that the Call center’s assets be sold to earn sufficient funds and later pay the firm. However, if the firm may prove that the call center has intentions of not paying the firm, then it’s the best way for the call center not to file bankruptcy. The call center will still have to pay the firm back. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or straight bankruptcy, a popular form of bankruptcy, permits the defaulter to start all over again. This is generally filed by those who have not any enough funds to pay for their debt. If the call center has no hope in paying their debts to the law firm, then they should file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. However, this may ruin their credits and they will still be responsible for their debt. They will also pay attorneys who will work in the case. In this case, the call center may consider filing Chapter 13. As for chapter 13, it is the reorganization of an individual consumers debt with a new payment schedule. If the call center has assets they want to protect Chapter 13 is another way. However, Chapter 13 ruins the credit. It will remain on the call center’s credit for up to 10 years. The call center, on another point, may have to consider credit counseling or a debt management agency. References Brown Seelye. The Decision to File. Washington State Law Firm. Retrieved February 1, 2008, from http://www. brownandseelye. com/bankruptcy375/thedecisiontofile. html Franklin, Ben. Avoiding Bankruptcy Franklin Debt Relief. Retrieve February 1, 2008, from http://www. franklindebtrelief. com/avoid-bankruptcy. html Larson, Aaron. (2000). Bankruptcy Law – An Overview. Law Offices of Aaron Larson. Retrieved February 1, 2008, from http://www. expertlaw. com/library/bankruptcy/bankruptcy. html Chapter 13 and 7 Bankruptcies. American Bankruptcy Courts. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from http://www. bankruptcy-courts. net. /chapter-13. html

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethical Issues of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Ethical Issues of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Identify a specific situation, from your own experience in practice, where an ethical issue arose. With regard to confidentiality, outline the situation and explore the issues involved. Using appropriate ethical theory/principles, analyse the situation and the action taken to resolve the problem. In this essay we shall consider the case of Mrs.P., a 39 yr. old married mother of three who attended at a gynaecology clinic with menorrhagia. She was investigated and was found to have, amongst other things, a chlamydial infection. She was horrified. On questioning, she was initially incensed and stated that the path lab must have made a mistake and that such a thing â€Å"simply was not possible†, she denied any knowledge of how such an infection could have been contracted and asked the staff if it meant that her husband had been unfaithful. It was about half an hour after the news had been broken and the rest of her problems had been dealt with, that the staff moved onto the delicate matter of contact tracing. It was only then that Mrs.P. eventually confided that she had had a number of clandestine relationships without her husband knowing. One of these relationships was with her husband’s best friend from his work (Mr. H). She was adamant that neither he nor her husband should be told, as she could not face the consequences from the inevitable fall out. The clinic staff were also told that Mr and Mrs H were desperate to have a baby and that Mrs H was about to consider going for referral for infertility investigations. There are many ethical issues in this small clinical encounter and they represent, as a generalisation, issues that are typical of many ethical difficulties that present to healthcare professionals in the UK on a daily basis. The subject of medical ethics has evolved over a huge length of time and is, in part, dependent on the circumstances and environment in which it is applied. (Veitch RM 2002). In this essay we shall consider these ethical difficulties as they pertain to Mrs.P., but before we consider them in detail, let us consider the overriding ethical principles that should guide the actions of those concerned. We can start with a historical note. If we consider Hippocrates’ often quoted dictum â€Å"first do no harm†, (Carrick P 2000), we will see that it underpins the first guiding principle of ethics, that of Non-Maleficence. This means â€Å"no malice†. It places an implied burden on any healthcare professional to not only avoid doing harm to a patient, but also to take active steps to make sure that harm does not occur through accident or negligence. The Principle of Beneficence takes the argument further with an expectation of doing good or â€Å"goodness† as a quality. As we have suggested earlier, this quality is variable and is judged in the circumstances in which it occurs. This is particularly relevant in questions relating to consent which again, is central to the case of Mrs.P. (McMillian J 2005) The third principle of ethics that is relevant to our considerations here is the Principle of Dentology which places an expectation on the healthcare professional to act in a way that means that decisions are made in the patient’s best interests and are not in any way influenced by other considerations such as cost or expediency. (Tà ¤nnsjà ¶ T 2005) There is then the consideration of autonomy. In the case of Mrs.P. this effectively means that she is allowed to make her own decisions based on her own free will and is not forced (either figuratively or expressly) into a situation where she feels pressurised into decisions against her will. She should be allowed to consider what is right for her, in her current circumstances, without feeling that she is being coerced by any form of outside influence.(Mill JS 1982) It clearly follows from this statement that Mrs.P. can only make such a decision if she is in full possession of all of the relevant facts relating to her circumstance and this then opens up another field of debate, one relating to the role of the healthcare professional as an information resource. It is incumbent on the healthcare professionals advising Mrs.P. that they would ensure that she has available to her (in a form that she can understand) all of the information necessary to allow her to make up her own mind on the issues presenting themselves. (Sugarman J Sulmasy 2001) Chlamydia In order to appreciate the full implication of the decisions and dilemmas facing Mrs.P., we should firstly consider the issues of the pathophysiology of chlamydia. It is commonly accepted that a large proportion of what was previously called NSU or even undiagnosed genital discharge, was probably infection due to chlamydia. It currently ranks as being responsible for numerically the greatest number of sexually transmitted diseases in the UK in the present day. (Duncan 1998) The actual incidence of detected chlamydia varies between different sociological groups and is dependent on the study. Adams (et al 2004) produced a huge meta analysis of UK data and suggested that the incidence varies from 8.1% of the under 20 age group to 1.4% of the over 30 group Equally it can be seen that other studies, (Piementa et al 2003), put the incidence in the under 20 group as high as 17% and in antenatal clinics (whole population) at 12%. There is no merit in debating the statistical validity of these figures, they are presented to underline the point that Mrs.P.’s dilemma is not a rare one. If we take an overview of the whole chlamydia issue we can cite the opinion of National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) who quote that, in their rationale for a national screening programme, chlamydia: Is the commonest Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) in England Is an important reproductive health problem ~ 10-30% of infected women develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). In a significant proportion of cases, particularly amongst women, are asymptomatic and so, are liable to remain undetected, putting women at risk of developing PID. Screening may reduce incidence of PID and ectopic pregnancy. These points are presented as underlining the argument that we will make later in this essay, that a diagnosis of chlamydial infection – although commonly asymptomatic (especially in men), is actually far from trivial and therefore should not be taken lightly or dismissively. Discussion With specific reference to Mrs.P. we should note that there are two important factors that should influence our discussions here. One is the relevance to Mr H. and his wife and the possible implications to their apparent infertility, and the second is effectively the contact tracing arguments and the degree that the healthcare professional should be involved in making Mr H. aware of the possibility that he may have the chlamydial infection. Let us begin by considering an excellent and informative paper by Cassell (et al 2003) on the issue of partner notification. The authors are of the opinion that, due to factors such as the explosion in the numbers and the evolution of the Health Service, that the thorny issue of partner notification, which had previously largely fallen into the domain of the GUM clinic nurse, had now evolved to involve General Practice staff, obstetric and gynaecology clinic staff as well as many others. The corollary of this is that this role has lost some of its efficiency in skill resources and time. (D of H 2002). The paper itself is very informative, but if we restrict ourselves to a consideration of those aspects which are directly referable to our considerations here. With regard to the issue of patient confidentiality and contact informing, only 40% of the healthcare professionals questioned thought that partner notification was actually their role. The remaining 60% took the view that it was their role to inform the patient of what they saw was their responsibility to inform their own partners. The reason that we make this point is that over at least the last two decades, there has been a noticeable and welcome shift to the general acceptance of evidence based medicine (Berwick D 2005). The point is therefore made that if this evidence is accepted, then we could assume that the majority of healthcare professionals believe that their responsibility to inform the patient’s partner ends with their discussion of the matter with the patient. This is relevant if one considers the Bolam principal which has been the foundation of the legal view of matters of medical negligence. The Bolam test, when applied to this type of situation states that: A healthcare professional is not negligent if he or she acts in accordance with practice accepted at the time by a responsible body of medical opinion. In other words, if one acts in accordance with the rules that govern normal medical and nursing practice. In these circumstances it would appear that the majority medical opinion is that one’s burden of responsibility is limited to telling the patient that they should tell their own sexual partners of their infection. To a degree, this view is at odds with other ethical considerations, as one might consider that one has an obligation both to Mrs.P.’s husband who may clearly be at risk from chlamydial infection and complications, and also Mr. H and his partner, who may even already be suffering from complications, as they are considering being investigated for infertility. In these eventualities one has to consider if one is breaching any or all of the three principles that we have already outlined above. On the face of it, it would appear that all three principles are being compromised by this course of action. Non-maleficence because of the implied failure to take active steps to protect Mrs.P.’s partners from potential harm. Beneficence because of Mrs.P.’s failure to agree to consent to anyone telling her partners on her behalf Dentology becaues it could be argued that a suggestion that the healthcare professional should tell Mrs.P.‘s partners means that decisions are being made on the grounds of expediency rather than necessarily in Mrs.P.’s best interest (as Mrs.P. sees it). The only principle that appears to be upheld with this particular view is that of Mrs.P.’s autonomy. We can explore this issue further. Mrs.P.’s refusal to inform her partners may be, at first sight, understandable. But there are other issues that we must consider before passing moral judgement on her. If we consider a paper by Duncan (Duncan B et al 1998). This provides a very informative insight into the issues that confront women in this situation and she cites a common finding of equating a perception of â€Å"being dirty† or promiscuity with a positive test. There is also the issue of both men and women feeling embarrassed to get tested, although, with the advent of General Practice based testing and testing away from the stigma of the GUM clinics, this may well be less of a problem. It also follows from this study finding that there is a major Public Health Education paradox here. If it is true that the majority of healthcare professionals actually believe that it is the responsibility of the patient to tell their partner and this fact is augmented by the discovery that another study found that nearly 20% of respondents actually chose to treat chlamydia with a dose of antibiotic which is less than the currently recommended therapeutic level recommended by the Central Audit Group for Genitourinary Medicine, (Stokes et al 1997), it is perhaps not a surprising observation that the level of chlamydial infection is apparently as high in the community as it is. It follows from this that the authors of another study in a similar area can make the comment: If testing in primary care continues to increase without adequate support for partner notification, much of the resource used in testing women will be wasted. (Griffiths et al 2002) To provide a balanced view on the subject we should observe that the converse of our argument so far is put by other workers in the field (EHC 1999), who argue for the enhancement of the contact tracing facilitators and facilities in order to â€Å"properly maximise a reduction in the risk of both personal re-infection and the level of infection in the community† The central importance of this argument is exemplified in an excellent paper by Patel (HC et al 2004). This looked at the reliability of contact tracing mechanisms. The paper itself is both long and involved. It followed up over 250 patients over a five year period. in short, the authors reported that if the infected patient had a regular partner, they were likely to turn up for treatment in about 53% of cases, whereas if there was an extramarital partner only about 13% would receive treatment. The implication is clearly (although it is obviously admitted that there are significant confounding factors), that an infected patient is far more likely to tell their marriage partner than an extramarital sexual partner. Conclusions and suggestions for practice. In order to help with such considerations we note that the main professional bodies issue their own comprehensive guidelines. They are issued jointly by both the BMA and RCN for all healthcare professionals(Dimond. B. 1999). The documents themselves are unsurprisingly enormous, and offer outline guidance on virtually every major issue and they follow the principles that we have already set out. They equally make the point that not every eventuality can either be predicted or catered for, and in these circumstances the healthcare professional is left to make their own judgement based on their interpretation of the underlying principles and circumstances. In our interpretation of these principles, it would appear that the overriding consideration in the case of Mrs.P. is that of autonomy. There may well be a substantial evidence base that we could point to which would suggest that Mrs.P.’s refusal to tell either her husband or sexual partner could have serious and possibly long lasting adverse effects on their health. But in the last analysis, Mrs.P. has the right of consent to her personal details being divulged – either explicitly or by inference and implication – to any other person. If that consent or permission is withheld then the healthcare professional would be expected to respect that right, even if they had personal difficulty with it themselves. There is an implicit obligation on healthcare professional not only to enhance the patient’s autonomy but also to take as many steps as possible to ensure that any decision reached by the patient is truly autonomous. The professional guidelines suggest that one of the best ways of doing this is primarily by the giving of as much information as possible, particularly that information which is judged to be of importance in assisting them in making their decisions (Williamson C 2005) This view seems to be echoed by the legal profession who have pointed to the fact ( in case law) that each adult has a right to their own autonomy. (Donaldson L 1993). The guiding pronouncement in this type of issue is that a legally competent adult has the right to agree or to disagree with any form of treatment or opinion offered by a healthcare professional and does not have to justify the reason for their action to anyone else. It is clearly incumbent on the healthcare professional to try to provide the Public Health information to help the patient make an informed and considered decision. It may even be considered acceptable to suggest or persuade the patient to â€Å"do the honourable thing†, but this clearly must not be interpreted as placing undue pressure on the patient otherwise all of the underlying ethical principles discussed so far will be completely undermined (Hendrick, J. 2000). We should also note that the same professional guidelines cited above also make the suggestion that the nature of the conversation and the topics discussed should be clearly recorded in the patient’s notes and if a decision is made to allow healthcare professionals to contact the other potential partners, then a consent form recording the decision should ideally be signed by the patient. In many instances we acknowledge that it is common practice to advise and take whatever action is perceived to be in the best interests of the patient, but in terms of our ever more litigious society, it appears to be good advice to get written consent for virtually every action however seemingly minor. (Yura H et al 1998), If we had to sum up the thrust of this essay in a sentence it would be that there is no excuse – either ethically, or for that matter in law – for making unfounded assumptions about what the patient wants or will permit. (Gillon. R. 1997). References Adams EJ , A Charlett, W J Edmunds, and G Hughes 2004 Chlamydia trachomatis in the United Kingdom: a systematic review and analysis of prevalence studies Sex. Transm. Inf., October 1, 2004; 80(5): 354 362. Berwick D 2005 Broadening the view of evidence-based medicine Qual. Saf. Health Care, Oct 2005; 14: 315 316. Carrick P 2000  Medical Ethics in the Ancient World  Georgetown University press 2000 ISBN: 0878408495 Cassell JA , M G Brook, R Slack, N James, A Hayward, and A M Johnson 2003 Partner notification in primary care Sex. Transm. Inf., June 1, 2003; 79(3): 264 265. Dimond. B. 2001  Legal Aspects of Consent  Salisbury.: Quay Books 2001 D of H 2002  Department of Health. The national strategy for sexual health and HIV: implementation action plan. London: DoH, 2002. Donaldson L 1993  in Re T (Adult: Refusal of Treatment) [1993) Fam 95 5 Duncan B, Hart G. 1998  Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis: a qualitative study of womens views. Prevenir 1998; (suppl 24): 229. EHC 1999  Effective Health Care. Getting evidence into practice.  York: University of York, 1999. Gillon. R. 1997.  Autonomy  London: Blackwell 1997 Griffiths C, Cuddigan A. 2002  Clinical management of chlamydia in general practice: A survey of reported practice. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2002;28:149–52. Hendrick, J. (2000)  Law and Ethics in Nursing and Health Care,  London. Stanley Thornes 2000 McMillan J 2005 Doing whats best and best interests BMJ, May 2005; 330: 1069 ; Mill JS 1982  On Liberty, 1982,  Harmondsworth: Penguin, p 68. Patel HC, Viswalingham ND, Goh BT 2004 Chlamydial ocular infection: efficacy of partner notification by patient referral. Int. J. STD AIDS 2004 Jul-Aug;5(4):244-7. Stokes T, Bhaduri S, Schober P, et al. 1997  GPs’ management of genital chlamydia: a survey of reported practice.  Fam Pract 1997;14:455–60 Sugarman J Sulmasy 2001  Methods in Medical Ethics  Georgetown Univeristy Press 2001 ISBN: 0878408738 Tà ¤nnsjà ¶ T 2005 Moral dimensions BMJ, Sep 2005; 331: 689 691 ; Veitch RM 2002  Cross-cultural perspectives in medical ethics Jones Bartlett 2002 ISBN: 0763713325   Williamson C 2005 Withholding policies from patients restricts their autonomy BMJ, Nov 2005; 331: 1078 1080 ; Yura H, Walsh M. 1998  The nursing process. Assessing, planning, implementing, evaluating. 5th edition. Norwalk, CT: Appleton Lange, 1998. ############################################################# 20.2.06 PDG Word count 3,184

Sunday, October 13, 2019

PMCN Case Study Essay -- PMCN Analysis

The theory of economics does not furnish a body of settled conclusions immediately applicable to policy. It is a method rather than a doctrine, an apparatus of the mind, a technique for thinking, which helps the possessor to draw correct conclusions. The ideas of economists and politicians, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist." (John Maynard Keynes, the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money p 383) Critically assess the extent to which â€Å"the ideas of economists† might improve the performance of an organisation of your choice. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Context 4 Literature Review 5 1. Microeconomic Concepts and the PMCN 5 1.1 Transactions Cost Theory 5 1.2 Profit Maximization 7 2. Macroeconomic Concepts and the PMCN 9 2.1 Fiscal Policy and the Budget. 9 2.2 Monetary Policy – Rules Based Framework/Taylor Rule. 11 3.Synthesis and Conclusion 13 References 14 Bibliography 18 Introduction This paper provides a critical assessment of the performance of organizations which could be linked to economic theories and concepts. Through a review of various literature, research and conclusions of economists such as Friedman (1970), Coase (1937), Williamson (1981, 1998, 1975), Sloman et al. (2013), Powell (1990), Taylor (2011, 2012) and so on, the researcher presents a critical assessment of the microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts which were found to affect performance of a typical organizations. The concepts were also linked to other aspects of economics ... ...ft/wp/2013/wp1365.pdf. [Accessed on 21st of April 2014]. Grossman, S.J and Hart, O.D (1983). An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem. Econometrica Vol. 51, No. 1 January 1983. Available on: [Accessed on 20th of April 2014]. Jensen, M.C and Meckling, W.H (1976). Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure. Journal of Financial Economics, October, 1976, V. 3, No. 4, pp. 305-360. Available on: [Accessed on 20th April 2014]. Tadelis, S and Williamson, O (2010). Transactions Cost Economics. University of California Bekerley The IMF (2014). Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality. International Monetary Fund Policy Paper. Available on: [Accessed on 21st of April 2014].

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Iraqi War Essay -- Papers Opinion Argumentative War Terrorism

The Iraqi War This is a discursive essay for the argument against America going to war with Iraq. In this essay, I will briefly include a summary about Iraq and go on to give evidence about previous incidents and other significant points that finally led to the war. Iraq is a dictatorship that was under the rule of the tyrant Saddam Hussein until the coalition forces invaded and toppled the Iraqi regime. Saddam Hussein officially became a dictator in the year 1979. Since then, he has caused many disruptions and has terribly ruled Iraq. Saddam was supported by the military of Iraq and he was a really brutal man. The people of Iraq were tortured and murdered under this dictator. There was a time where Saddam was interested in developing weapons to fight against other countries. At that time, Iraq did not have close links with neighbouring countries such as Iran. Saddam Hussein then saw Iran as a slightly vulnerable country and started a conflict with its neighbour. Hisorically, there were differences between Iraq and Iran. These differences can be seen in religious matters, border disputes and politics. These led to animosity between the two countries which heightened during the rule of Saddam Hussein. Fortunately, the war was ended in 1988. Since then, Saddam had an interest in developing what is known as "weapons of mass destruction". These weapons can exist as chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. Somewhere in the middle of the year 1990, Iraqis accused Kuwait of stealing their oil and selling it at low prices, thus damaging the Iraqi economy. Iraq then went on to invade Kuwait on August the 2nd, 1990. This most un... ...sualties of the war, some innocent civilians. Until now, there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. President Bush took drastic action on Iraq without any reason. There were not also complete backing from the international community to proceed in this war. Going to war is not a very democratic decision and America should have tried other civilised ways to deal with Iraq. America's plans were to go in and find weapons of mass destruction and to get rid of the Iraqi regime. They did not need to go to war to do this. The war claimed many lives of civilians and soldiers and over $93 billion spent. This money could be used for better purposes such as helping poor countries and funding useful projects. Fortunately, the leader of the regime, Saddam Hussien was finally captured later in early December 2003.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Made In Chelsea Analysis of an episode Essay

From the episode of Made In Chelsea I watched, I can say that the representations we have of upwardly mobile young city dwellers are that they are social-oriented, whose lives seem to be some care-free that they can cavort around various places in London—and the world—without any problems. We also only see characters of a certain age range—none are, we assume, above the age of thirty—of which the majority have no jobs or business, leading us to believe that they come from families of ‘old money’, and so having a job themselves would seem rather pointless. Saying that, there are a few characters who do possess their own business or thereabouts. However, our perceptions of the characters are very one sided, as we are constricted to seeing only one side of that character—the one that fits their current storyline the best. This prevents us from seeing, per se, the kind heartedness of a character that has just cheated on their partner. The words ‘characters’ and ‘storylines’ fit well with my next point; the conversations and the events that take place throughout the episode seem far too rehearsed and coincidental for them to be actual ‘reality’. Location shots are used of London sights and attractions to establish the setting of the scene. They also are only of Central London attractions, and the shops and restaurants et al all seem to highlight the wealth of the individuals who shop there, eat there etc. Reactions, for the majority of the show, are shown using over-the-shoulder shots to portray the reaction of the person who is being told something. There is also usage of eye line matching shots that show you what the character may have been looking at from their angle. The episode seems to comprise of short segments that have then been edited in post production so that they can seek out the most entertaining of segments. This is obvious as the episode transitions from one group of people at a restaurant to a boxing arena and then back to the restaurant again. Tzvetan Torodov’s narrative theory that conventional narratives are structured into five stages; Equilibrium—disruption—recognition—repair—reinstatement, could be present within the episode, as you can apply it to the situation between Louis, Spencer and Jamie (the love triangle storyline). The fact that it fits so well with Torodov’s theory does support the question â€Å"How much of Made In Chelsea is actually reality?†

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Argummentative Essay Essay

You are to write an argumentative essay in response to one of the following topics: High school students aren’t ready to enter college. Age matters in relationships. All citizens should speak a second language. Your essay should have the following format: Paragraph I. Introduction: Give necessary background information and includes a clearly defined thesis statement. II. Supporting Evidence: Provide specific factual and/or anecdotal evidence to support your thesis. III. Refuting Contrary Positions: Show why counterarguments are incorrect. IV. Conclusion: Summarize main ideas and reaffirm your thesis. Expectations: Please use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and 1. 5 line spacing. You may not exceed two pages. Deadline: This essay is due on Sunday, May 19th at 11:59 p. m. Please e-mail it rather than printing a hard copy. Evaluation: You will be evaluated according to the attached rubric. Mark| Criteria| 4. 5-5| The student performs the task very well, covering all the main points using a wide range of structures and vocabulary. There are no errors and the language is very well-controlled. Ideas are organized clearly and the student uses linking words with ease and proper punctuation. The register and form are also correct. The student greatly exceeds the level expected for the task. | 4-4. 5| The student performs the task well covering most, if not all, the important points using a good choice of structures and vocabulary. The language is controlled with few mistakes and the whole text is clearly comprehensible. Ideas are well-organised and the student uses linking words and generally punctuates. The register and form are also correct. The student is above the level expected for the task. | 3. 5-4| The student covers many of the important points using relevant tructures and vocabulary with few mistakes. There may be occasional incomprehensibility but this does not affect the overall understanding of the text. Ideas are mostly organized correctly and there is some use of linking words and punctuation. The register and form are mostly correct. The student is at the level expected for the task. | 3-3. 5| The student attempts the task. Some points are made but they m ay not all be relevant, clear or comprehensible. Structure and vocabulary contain errors that can affect meaning and there may be cases of incomprehensibility. Ideas may not be organized correctly and there may be little evidence of linking words and punctuation. Register and form are mostly correct. The student is below the level expected for the task. | Below 3| The student largely fails to perform the task. The student is not consistently relevant, clear or comprehensible. There are major errors of structure and vocabulary which affect meaning. Ideas are not well-organized and there is little or no evidence of linking words. Register and form may be incorrect. The student is well below the level expected for the task. |

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Background Information Of Gems And Jewellery

Background Information Of Gems And Jewellery Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Background Information Of Gems And Jewellery The global gem and jewellery industry over the past decade has observed significant changes and showed signs of growth, on account of increasing income as well as demand from the emerging economies across the world. Among the various types of jewellery, plain diamond jewellery accounted for the largest share of the global jewellery market, followed by plain gold jewellery. Diamonds being the world’s major natural resource is used in both jewellery and industrial applications. The growth in demand for diamond-studded jewellery has been due to the strong economic growth in key diamond jewellery consuming nations and marketing efforts of diamond companies. Traditionally, gold has held the leading position in most of the jewellery markets across the world because of its value as well as tradability factor. In 2008, although the total gold consumed as plain gold jewellery decreased in volume terms, the sales recorded gain in value terms . Demand for platinum jewellery has gained ground in the last few years, in not only the developed markets of the US and Europe but also in emerging markets like China and India, due to the ‘elite’ tag and ‘high-end’ value attached to the metal. Geographically, the US continues to be the largest consumer for gems and jewellery, followed by China/ India, the Middle East and Japan. In Europe, the UK and Italy are the largest consumers, and Italy is also one of the world’s largest jewellery fabrication centers. The emerging markets, like China, India which are traditional jewellery centers of consumption, are expected to develop as the largest consumption markets for both traditional as well as branded jewellery. The report analyzes the trends and challenges of the gem and jewellery and also outlines the opportunities driving the present as well as future industry growth. The report focuses on the retail jewellery sales, different jewellery segments and future potential of the four large consumers of jewellery – the US, China, India and the UK. The report analyzes the sales trends, demand patterns and future outlook of the three major segments of the jewellery industry, i.e. platinum, gold and diamond. The report also talks about the future outlook of the industry and its growth. By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests. Problems and Challenges faced by the local and global industry Currently, the local gems and jewellery industry is encountering trade obstacles and high competition. These include, The lack of local raw materials The rapid growth of the gem and jewellery industry in competing countries with lower labor costs the high rate of import taxes in those countries, including new tariff barriers which play an important role for international trade; the rules of origin for gemstones; the rules of product origin;